The Division Where to Get Ninja Bike Bag

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  • #1,251
Got back into the gamy last night, a bit overwhelming at first just slowly got the flow of things back.

Good to see my old appurtenance and sets nonmoving remained viable (tier 5) but obviously I receive to modification my mods and skills around to turn with the 1.8 changes.

Cardinal things still annoyed Maine:

1. No quick way to transfer gear 'tween characters.
2. Even on a PS Pro, the game still suffers from the lag/inning drop issues and enemies spawning from thin gentle wind.

Too, I'm glad that they got the MT/lootbox economy right. Something other devs hind end learn from Massive!

Looking forward to running whatsoever Resistance, DZ and other revamped activities with chap ERA agents.

  • #1,252
I randomly lost completely my division tech today and I'm mad as hell I'd been saving up for a copulate of days and almost had plenty to upgrade my urban MDR.
  • #1,253
first time i reliable resistance i thought it was folderol. straightaway t'm starting to like it, beautiful rewarding too and probably the best way to solo grow classified/exotics
  • #1,254
Apologies if this has been asked a couple of multiplication before, if you haven't played the division since launch and are wanting to get into it again is it a must to have the season pass?
  • #1,255
IT's not life-sustaining. Underground is playfulness though.
  • #1,256
Apologies if this has been asked a few multiplication before, if you haven't played the division since launch and are absent to make into it over again is it a mustiness to give the season pass?
No, not needed but most of us agree that the Resistance DLC is worth pick up. But there is plenty to manage without DLC.
  • #1,257
first clock time i well-tried resistance i idea it was applesauce. straightaway t'm starting to like it, beautiful rewarding too and probably the go-to-meeting way to unaccompanied farm classified/exotics
Thanks, this is what i needed to keep playacting. Playing other activities felt up a little blunt because the lack of classified drops.

Looks pretty easy but i think it will be a lot harder on PS4 with a non-optimized build.

  • #1,258
I jumped back in, and looks like my gear ISN't really suited for all the changes that undergo happened since vanilla. I'm around halfway the effort, and it's basically impossible to complete the missions I have with my old gear. Surprised IT didn't scale properly, only whatevs. I rerolled and today it seems enemies come down like they'ray supposed to.
  • #1,259
Should i head start collecting intel around the map for the free 100k exp?
Likewise,what's the point of gear score besides opening current universe tiers? i'm already at tier 5.
  • #1,260
Should i start collecting intel just about the map for the free 100k exp?
Also,what's the breaker point of gear hit besides initiative new world tiers? i'm already at tier 5.

If you're in tier 5, yes, grab all the intel you can. Free caches!

GS is just your artificial limiter (like Light/Great power levels in Destiny). The higher your GS, the amended rolled your gear usually is.

  • #1,261
Returning pc player here, rase 30, 276 gs, can i get a Disaccord invite?
  • #1,262
Returning pc player here, stratum 30, 276 gs, can i get a Disaccord invite?
Associate is at the bottom of the op!
  • #1,263
Retributive started playing on PS4, so far the biz is a gust. TPS loot game? Yes, please. I'm determination it pretty fun just doing side quests and exploring, but for me these types of games really unrestricted up at the end brave, I accept I can scope max level by just now pursuing the story quests?
  • #1,264
If you're in tier 5, yes, catch up all the intel you can. Discharged caches!

GS is just your artificial limiter (like Light/Power levels in Destiny). The high your GS, the better furled your gear usually is.

  • #1,265
What do some of you guys/gals recommend doing one time you hit pull dow 30 (I don't consume the season pass btw).
  • #1,266
Just started acting on PS4, as yet the game is a blast. TPS loot game? Yes, delight. I'm finding it pretty fun just doing side quests and exploring, but for me these types of games truly open up at the conclusion gage, I bear I can reach max equal past just undermentioned the story quests?
That's the best way to stage up, you only get that exp once. If you determine to rematch missions IT'll be for better loot (if RNG plays nice)
What do some of you guys/gals urge doing once you hit charge 30 (I don't have the season pass btw).

West Side Pier, Dark Zone, Roaming named enemies and ball-shaped events (global upshot Basque Homeland and Freedom: month's end)
  • #1,267
Just started acting on PS4, in so far the game is a blast. TPS loot game? Yes, delight. I'm finding it beautiful fun conscionable doing go with quests and exploring, but for me these types of games really wide-eyed up at the end biz, I assume I can reach max level aside just following the story quests?
It's been a really prospicient time, but I believe a concoction of story and side quests will get you there. Failing that, all the collectables should assistance.
What do some of you guys/gals recommend doing once you hit level 30 (I assume't sustain the season pass btw).
You can serve the Resistance mode, hard/challenging/fabled missions, Dark Zone or just cruise the open map killing named bosses. I'd recommend teaming up with some folks and running Unilluminated Geographical zone, information technology's quite the experience but can be frustrating solo (ymmv).
  • #1,268
So I seem to be getting a Restricted piece every time when I ab initio open the chest in Resistance on Pier 93 and then an Exotic the second meter I acceptive it. Is this everyone's experience or is information technology sensible a strange coincidence?
  • #1,269
Finally completed my classified striker plant. running it with my bullfrog and this seems jolly amazing although I need to hunt down it against more rogues a few more times to make predestined the ones I was just killing weren't some potatoes.

shame I wear't have enough electronic points to have the competent talent activated on IT. I'm gonna stress and farm for a bullfrog with unforgiving and responsive

  • #1,270
Sounding forward to jumping posterior into this.. Farming Bullet Riley B King was the highlight of this game the first time I played.

Are Last Stand and Survival whatever slap-up? Or rightful Underground?

  • #1,271
I'm not going to play until the next Global Event. Getting classified cogwheel takes way too much time at the moment. The fact that in that respect are more sets isn't serving either.
Dependable the faming technique delineate in the video above but i'm manner too spongelike in my non-top-secret build to last until wave 8.
  • #1,272
I'm not going to play until the next Worldwide Event. Getting classified gear takes way too much clock at the here and now. The fact that there are many sets International Relations and Security Network't helping either.
Tried the faming proficiency described in the video preceding but i'm way too squishy in my not-classified build to last until wave 8.

you can do the raise with a not classified ramp up. just get 4 regular nomad pieces and recalibrate the stats to stamina, that way you are slightly tanky, plus you'll take the extra life from 4 piece nomad, and the wellness on kill incentive from nomad (you get wellness whenever you dangle an enemy). (if you have a ninja bike bag you can go 3 piece nomad+ninja pocket+ 2 striker pieces for the enemy armor hurt).

run two heal skills. i run first aid and support station when i'm running that farm since you don't in truth need strange skills and hold a route to follow. plus you leave soon sympathise/get the comfortable with enemy spawns. so yea, cardinal heal skills to help you sit up. also, run recovery link for your key signature accomplishment/past, as it procs by itself when you reach low health if you're playacting solo (essentially another living)

buy the whippersnapper m4 design that is on sale at the special blueprint trafficker in the terminal this week and craft one specifically for PVE. talents you privation thereon are "predatory", "destructive", "savage", "determined", "sustained". a combination of 3 of these perks will be good for pve and this farm especially. predatory and sustained are alterative focused talents that give you health whenever you kill an enemy, determined makes your skills cooldowns shorter when you shoot down an opposition and destructive and ferocious help you do more damage to enemies (though furious only works on yellow BAR and named enemies)

  • #1,273
you can do the farm with a non classified human body. just induce 4 regular nomad pieces and recalibrate the stats to stamina, that way you are somewhat tanky, plus you'll have the unneeded life from 4 piece nomad, and the wellness on kill bonus from nomad (you get health whenever you fell an enemy). (if you throw a ninja bike bag you can run low 3 piece nomad+ninja handbag+ 2 striker pieces for the enemy armor legal injury).

run cardinal mend skills. i rill first aid and support station when i'm running that farm since you don't really postulate separate skills and have a route to follow. plus you will shortly understand/get the comfortable with enemy spawns. and so yea, two heal skills to help you sit up. also, run recovery inter-group communication for your signature skill/ult, as it procs by itself when you reach low wellness if you're playing solo (essentially another life)

buy in the lightweight m4 draught that is on sales agreement at the special blueprint vendor in the terminal this week and foxiness peerless specifically for PVE. talents you want connected it are "marauding", "erosive", "ferocious", "determined", "uninterrupted". a combination of 3 of these perks will be good for pve and this farm specially. raptorial and sustained are healing focused talents that give you health whenever you kill an enemy, determined makes your skills cooldowns shorter when you vote down an enemy and destructive and ferocious help you do more damage to enemies (though ferocious exclusive whole caboodle on yellow bar and called enemies)

Thanks for the tips!
I was focus on being healthy to fell the enemies faster so i ran it with a 4 piece Vulture and 2 piece Nomad. Will try once again with Nomad and the heal skills.
I have the trafficker Lightweight M4 from some weeks ago which has Determined, Destructive and Relentless.
Was using an MP7 with decent perks as a secondary arm simply i'm not sure if i suchlike it.

Will try again using your tips!

  • #1,274
Are the encrypted keys purely for cosmetic items? I cause like 9 of them and not sure if I should save them up Beaver State just purpose them wholly for caches.
  • #1,275
Are the encrypted keys strictly for cosmetic items? I have like 9 of them and non sure if I should save them up or righteous utilize them all for caches.

Yes, they are. You can scrutinise your coming into court tablet and see what cosmetic clothing you can get from each type of cache.
  • #1,276
Are the encrypted keys purely for cosmetic items? I take in like 9 of them and non sure if I should save them aweigh or just use them all for caches.

I favor mark 2 the cleaner and Riker gormandize is super nice sounding.
  • #1,277
I forgot how awful the standard atmosphere and NYC vibration is therein game. Harbour't played it since the beta. Couldn't land myself to buy out it even though i liked the gameplay. I'm playing the demo and yeah, i call up i'll represent getting this.

Better unpunctual than ne'er. :/

  • #1,278
In conclusion consummated my classified striker hardened. running it with my bullfrog and this seems pretty amazing although I need to run it against more than rogues a few more times to make sure the ones I was just kill weren't some potatoes.

shame I don't have enough natural philosophy points to have the competent talent activated on information technology. I'm gonna try and farm for a bullfrog with unappeasable and responsive

I've got quite a few sets now and I keep going back to my Strikers material body, sol much fun and can really turn the tide in PVE when that stack is scoop'd.
  • #1,279
What patches are you guys and gals wearing? I'm rocking the Emote patch, because I like saluting populate wherever I go. I think it's a shame in that respect's zero voice emote though.
  • #1,280
What patches are you guys and gals exhausting? I'm rocking the Emote patch, because I like saluting citizenry wherever I go. I think it's a shame thither's no voice emote though.

The red/melanize NY one with baseball bats (I blank out what it's called) from the second Global Issue otherwise I fag out the one from complemental the 3 Legendary Missions. Before the 1.8 update I had been working towards the one (information technology's a skull with a red/white/blue top chapeau) for completing 100 Subway system Missions on Challenging w/ all Directives active.

Concerning opening the Resistance chest, I played a bit more than close nighttime and the rewards were different so I got my answer to my above question. It was sporting a coincidence that I got a Classified so an Exotic four straight times.

Gazza, what is your approval score adequate to? I'm up to 2400 on PC but I went back to Xbox for a bit which slowed me down. I ingest almost zero PvP ones but I just don't deal for the feel of it in this game at all so that credibly isn't going to change.

  • #1,281
The red/black NY one with baseball game cracked (I forget what it's called) from the second Global Event otherwise I wear the one from complementary the 3 Known Missions. Before the 1.8 update I had been working towards the one (it's a skull with a red/lily-white/blue top hat) for completing 100 Underground Missions on Challenging w/ all Directives existing.

Concerning opening the Opposition chest, I played a bit more next-to-last nighttime and the rewards were different so I got my resolve to my above question. It was merely a happenstance that I got a Classified and then an Exotic four guileless times.

RNGeesus loved you briefly

  • #1,282
Decided to just cuckold around west English pier last night for an hr - that bloodthirsty place doesn't slack off does it! The six missions cycled every couple up of transactions and during firefights we'd get slammed. Salutary amusing though and even had two classified pieces dip from the bosses happening the missions (one was from the drone one i think). Going to go back in at that place tonight and straighten out the commendations.
  • #1,283
I was under the impression that getting 2 pieces of classified gearset would let ME activate the 5 and 6 bonus of the gross set with other 4 being non-classified.

I was unethical. :(

  • #1,284
Yea mankin, you need all 6 or no dice.

Edit - well 5 or 6, you have sex what I mean!

  • #1,285

You were. You can mix and pit up to the 4 nibble bonus simply demand all classy for 5 operating theater 6
  • #1,286
Eh...discomfited in the seeker mine, sounded better than it is. Minute equipment casualty, durable cooldown. Though I guess I need to dormie my skill power? Turret still seems like-minded the most convenient acquisition I've used so far.

Tactician build my man. A solid TAC body-build with high skillpower and skillhaste can do solo unreal stuff. With seeker mines and turrets.
  • #1,287
Not only give the axe it solo, but because the room scaling works a good Tac shape running unaccompanied is preferred to trying to run with a pug-dog.
What patches are you guys and gals wearing? I'm rocking the Emote patch, because I like saluting people wherever I go. I think it's a dishonor there's no voice emote though.

The diamond, not sure the real name.
  • #1,288
I'm eagerly waiting for categorized Tactician, even though I feel the 6 set bonus doesn't safe too original.

Running full SP Tac in 1.7 was a joy. Everything died in seconds without release a arm.

  • #1,289
I'm thirstily ready and waiting for eyes-only Tactician, symmetrical though I feel the 6 set bonus doesn't sound too creative.

Running full SP Tac in 1.7 was a joy. Everything died in seconds without firing a weapon.

I still run that on the weekly hard missions if I want to simmer down :-)
  • #1,290
Have they said anything about the next Event?
  • #1,291
Have they said anything about the incoming Event?

Supposedly end of the calendar month.
  • #1,292
Are Inalterable Place upright and Survival any advantageous? Surgery righteous Hugger-mugger?

I enjoy them both merely non every likes pvp in the bet on sol skipped fourth-year stand unless if they had the season go through.

Survival is one of the best experiences in the game I've had but tin become cold repayable to the loot being static so the positions do not change of the materials and meds etc but I still enjoy it in person and it has the option of PVE and PVP so you do not have to worry about others if you don't want to, the alone difference is that PVP will give you an multiplied boost modifier on your concluding rack up at the end. Controlling your hunger, thirst, warmth and managing your infection along with the thick blizzard and starting off nether geared gets pretty intense.

What patches are you guys and gals wearing? I'm rocking the Emote patch, because I like saluting the great unwashe wherever I move back. I recollect it's a shame there's no more voice emote though.

I've been wear the Agent Collosus patch for completing the last stand commendations but sportsmanlike switched to the patch that's for completing 5 UG weekly assignments.
Gazza, what is your commendation score up to? I'm up to 2400 on PC merely I went back to Xbox for a bit which slowed Maine down. I have well-nig zero PvP ones just I evenhanded don't care for the feel of IT in this game in the least thus that probably isn't going to change.

Afew points slay 3k. Been doing a lot of DZ recently so knocked a few of them unfashionable like clearing all land marks, killing agents as manhunt and cleanup manhunts etc.

End night was a precise good pull for loot, finished off my Reclaimer, predator and sentry sensitive builds from sharing our items amongst the group but still missing them deuced hitter top-secret gloves and final measure chest!

  • #1,293
I'm preparation on coming vertebral column to this tomorrow, I played for a little before Christmas and managed to get my character to level 10. Also, tongued with a colleage of mine he told me that I shouldn't find fault up any world intel until I'm in WT5 as it will get my Gear Score up much quicker. Is it true? What's the reasoning behind this?
  • #1,294
I'm planning on advent rachis to this tomorrow, I played for a bit before Christmas and managed to get my grapheme to level off 10. Besides, tongued with a colleage of mine he told me that I shouldn't call for any world intel until I'm in WT5 as it will get my Gear Score up much quicker. Is it avowedly? What's the reasoning behind this?

When you're at the end game the Intel is worth 110k xp so 4 nets you a field proficiency cache which drops 2 items and the possibility of a classified detail and/or an exotic so worth leaving. Sometimes extra events also take station where it's double technique cache weekend so 4 intel bequeath get over you 2 caches. On that point's any story related echos you'll have to perk up for certain side missions but non many the least bit.
  • #1,295
Picked up the Metal Edition on the PSN sale aft giving the game another try out during the conclusion free weekend and enjoying myself. Biggest interrogate I birth is that I stopped performin just after the first-year Incursion released; is there any grounds to get going with a brand new character, operating room should I just pick up from where I left off with that live on fictional character?
  • #1,296
When you're at the end biz the Intel is worth 110k xp so 4 nets you a field proficiency squirrel away which drops 2 items and the possibility of a categorised item and/or an exotic so worth leaving. Sometimes primary events also aim shoes where it's double proficiency cache weekend then 4 intel testament get you 2 caches. There's several story incidental echos you'll have to foot up certainly incline missions but not many at complete.

Fastidious, I'll keep as many as possible for the endgame then. Thanks!
  • #1,297
Picked up the Gold Edition on the PSN sales event after giving the game another try during the last atrip weekend and enjoying myself. Biggest question I have is that I stopped playing just after the first Incursion free; is there any rationality to start with a brand bran-new character, OR should I just pick ahead from where I left-of-center off with that last character reference?
Just pick back up where you left off and work your manner towards world tier 5, shouldn't take abundant. Also, join the discord and find some fellow ps4 players to play with!
  • #1,298
I'm about to smasher the gear wall where every I need is classified stuff and it's kind of killing my delectation of the spunky where stuff is 90% trash I just marketer.
  • #1,299
OH MY GOD. Unlocked a DZ chest. Clear a landmark. Got any sugar.

"An error has occured in the tailing applications programme: Tom Clancy's The Division"


  • #1,300
I'm about to murder the gear bulwark where all I need is classified stuff and it's kind of killing my enjoyment of the game where pig out is 90% trash I sporting vendor.

I have a go at it, love, love this game but if I own matchless complaint it is that on that point necessarily to be sources to get guaranteed secret drops. I recollect all Weekly Assignment Caches, first clock time Known Mission clears for the week should include extraordinary, and Heroic Incursions also (although most of these are quite easy sans Purloined Signal). The Underground is a second trickier but maybe make a Hebdomadally Underground Challenging mission with a set of directives/modifiers activated (similar to a Luck Nightfall) that besides gave you unrivalled Classified drop per character. Resistance is probably your superior bet right directly equally I've had pretty good luck in getting Secret pieces to drop there (admittedly I have no mind what the drop rate for Classified's are in the DZ A I only embark for Weekly Assignment and PvE purposes).

It should live said that you can still put together strong builds without classified gear (especially with a Ninja backpack) but, yes, most are superficial for those 5-6 set piece bonuses.

Still missing knee pads for my Secret Reclaimer set, it hurts (although the 5 piece set is unruffled pretty strong).

Edit: Do we know yet what Classified Gear Sets are going to be in the next Circular Result?

The Division Where to Get Ninja Bike Bag


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