Kiss Me Once and Kiss Me Twice and Kiss Me Once Again

Photo Courtesy: Marko Geber/DigitalVision/Getty Images

The COVID-19 pandemic sparked ongoing fearfulness and doubt about the dangers of the novel coronavirus, particularly as case counts began to rise and scientists adult a clearer picture of the total telescopic of the disease'south range of health effects. Although preventative measures like the lockdowns and quarantines we saw throughout much of 2020 probable curbed COVID-19'south spread to a large degree, many people — dealing perhaps with pandemic fatigue — somewhen relaxed their vigilance.

Activity levels once again began to rise around the world, particularly during 2020's winter holiday flavor, which led to renewed restrictions and shutdowns. Due to spikes in the number of positive COVID-19 cases, some countries — England, France, and Federal republic of germany, for case — and some American states renewed restrictions and shutdowns. Based on the data provided by the Earth Health Organization, the worldwide death toll rose into the millions, and the number of confirmed infections in the U.S. and around the world continued to increment.

Of class, the fact that millions of people take recovered from the virus gives us promise, as does the fact that over 1.6 billion people around the earth are fully vaccinated. Nevertheless, the possibility of reinfection is a major concern regarding COVID – largely because there'due south and then much that we don't know, including health professionals. Here'southward a look at the latest information on the possibility of getting COVID-19 twice.

Antibodies Build Immunity to Viruses — Sometimes

When a salubrious allowed system is exposed to a virus, it fights the infection by producing proteins chosen antibodies that remain in the body after recovery. Unfortunately, some viruses mutate, but the antibodies don't modify with them. Every bit a effect, antibodies in the body could end up providing express or no amnesty to the next form of the virus. This is one of the reasons people are susceptible to new flu outbreaks each twelvemonth.

Photograph Courtesy: Nanoclustering/Science Photo Library/Getty Images

Luckily, there may be some good news related to humans' power to develop antibodies to COVID-19. The novel coronavirus that causes COVID-19 has a slower mutation rate than flu. Furthermore, the antibodies generated past a COVID-19 infection are projected to last for many years, possibly even for life. The same principle applies to the Janssen COVID-nineteen vaccine.

The strength and elapsing of a person's immunity to any virus may depend on a number of things, including overall health and genetic factors. That makes information technology difficult to effigy out the "right" answer to the question of how long immunity could potentially terminal.

Photo Courtesy: Eric Thayer/Bloomberg via Getty Images

The situation is further complicated by conflicting research results and scientific reports coming in from effectually the world. In May 2020, a very pocket-sized x-person study conducted by Dutch researchers institute that whatsoever natural immunity developed by someone exposed to the virus was "alarmingly short" — perhaps but six months to one year. This report was followed by a second British study that was released before it underwent the peer review process. The 2d written report suggested that "virus-fighting antibodies drop off steeply ii to three months later infection." The news was plainly received with considerable dismay.

Less than a week later, a third report was released — also earlier undergoing peer review — that showed different results. That study reviewed the cases of 20,000 patients in New York who had COVID-19 symptoms. When 120 of those patients were tested three months after, researchers establish that they had stable and even increasing levels of antibodies in their systems.

The main takeaway from these diverse studies is that continued, thoroughly vetted research is critical on two fronts. We must decide the force and persistence of natural immunity while encouraging people to go fully vaccinated to preclude and reduce the spread of COVID-nineteen.

Reports Broadcast of Echo Cases of COVID-19

A few months into the pandemic, media reports began to circulate about people who had been diagnosed twice — well later on they had supposedly recovered. Those reports raised some serious questions virtually whether nosotros can ever wait to be completely safety from COVID-xix. In April 2020, the Korean Centers for Disease Command and Prevention (KCDC) officially identified 163 patients who were reinfected with COVID-19. These findings triggered a broader serial of investigations to determine some real answers.

Photo Courtesy: GeorgiNutsov/E+/Getty Images

In August 2021, the CDC announced that unvaccinated adults are twice equally likely to get reinfected with COVID-xix. Conversely, fully vaccinated adults are much less likely to experience reinfection. This data was based on a written report conducted in Kentucky. Adults with laboratory-confirmed SARS-CoV-2 cases in 2020 were not reinfected by June 30th, 2021.

Personal Stories Raise More than Questions

Despite the official scientific reports, the media continues to report anecdotal cases of people condign reinfected. One of the virtually high-contour examples is the story of Sophie Cunningham, a basketball player with the Phoenix Mercury in the Women'south National Basketball Association. Cunningham reported that she had the virus while playing basketball game in Commonwealth of australia in March 2020, although she wasn't formally tested. Upon arriving back in the United States, she went through a two-week quarantine, only to test positive for COVID-xix on June 19. Cunningham believes information technology was a 2d infection.

Photo Courtesy: Ned Dishman/Getty Images

Researchers are cautious about responding to individual reports of reinfection that aren't accompanied by detailed testing and investigations. Angela Rasmussen, a Columbia University virologist told The Washington Post: "Y'all tin't extrapolate those anecdotal, beginning-person observations to the unabridged population and brand sweeping conclusions about how the virus works." In the absence of any "good scientific report" confirming reinfection, researchers are reluctant to take the widespread risk of additional positive infections, but they are open-minded enough well-nigh the unknown to avoid completely ruling out the possibility.

If reinfection rates are relatively depression, so what is happening in cases like Cunningham'southward? Dr. Lee Riley, Chair of the Partitioning of Communicable diseases and Vaccinology at UC Berkeley School of Public Health, suggests that the problem may have to do with testing techniques. Tests don't actually detect the virus; they detect the presence of nucleic acids that incorporate parts of the virus' genetic information. That means they could simply exist detecting persisting amounts of those nucleic acids in the torso of someone who tests positive a 2nd fourth dimension, "even when the virus itself is no longer alive and able to infect others." If that'southward the instance, those apparent 2d positive results should more accurately be chosen faux positives.

Despite the exhaustive and ongoing efforts of researchers around the world, so much remains unknown about the novel coronavirus, humans' natural immunity to information technology, and the risk of reinfection. New research results are regularly released every week, and so nosotros tin go on to expect more insight as nosotros move frontward. For now, fifty-fifty with all the unknowns, in that location is a broad consensus that prevention and protection are the best defense. We must all go along to socially isolate, get vaccinated when we're able to exercise so, and effectively employ personal protective equipment and best hygiene practices to attain the near beneficial results.


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