Sally Ride Family History Sally Ride Family History

Sally Ride entered the history books on June eighteen, 1983 when, as part of the crew of Space Shuttle STS-7, she became the first American woman in space. (Two Russian cosmonauts, Valentina Tereshkova and Sventlana Savitskaya, trounce her to the punch in 1963 and 1982 respectively.) Ride's task equally part of the 147-hr mission was to operate a robotic arm that would aid launch satellites into Earth's orbit. The trip was a glass ceiling-shattering success, and Ride, already a household name, was celebrated as a heroine and a pioneer.

Ride was, of course, more than than an impressive resume in a infinite suit. She was a circuitous and very private woman who shied away from the spotlight, focusing her considerable energies on scientific discovery and progressive reform. After 9 years at NASA, she would become on to a successful career as a physics professor. She likewise worked tirelessly as a passionate abet for girls and women in scientific discipline. Read on for more than about one of the brightest stars in the history of the American infinite program.

Emerge Ride grew up in a religious family

Sally Kristen Ride was born May 26, 1951, to Darrell Ride, a political scientific discipline professor, and Ballad Anderson, a volunteer counselor at a women's prison house. Both Darrell and Joyce were elders in the Presbyterian church, and Ride's younger sister, Karen "Conduct" Ride, would go on to get an ordained minister.

Information technology might surprise some Ride fans and space exploration enthusiasts that one of the nearly famous astronauts to come out of NASA had deep roots in a religion-based community, but, according to the San Francisco Relate, belief in a higher power and the study of science simply went hand-in-hand for Ride and her family. Ride'south sister, Bear, has a photo suggesting that Ride did non consider faith and science to be at odds with 1 another. One moving picture of the sisters shows Sally in her flight suit and Bear in her clerical neckband. Another shows them in a similar pose, having traded uniforms.

In an essay published after her sister'due south decease and excerpted past NBC News, Bear wrote that much of the credit for her and Emerge'south sense of wonder goes to Darrell and Carol. "Our parents encouraged us to exist curious, to keep our minds and hearts open and to respect all persons equally children of God. Our parents taught united states of america to explore, and nosotros did."

Emerge Ride most chose tennis over space

Sally Ride was very nearly not a NASA astronaut. As a young woman, she was a very strong tennis player and virtually opted for that sport instead of infinite. According to the PostGame, Ride started taking lawn tennis lessons at age 10 and her coach was none other than Alice Marble, a pro with four U.Due south. Open wins and 2 Wimbledon championships under her belt. Then, having received a scholarship to play tennis at LA'south famed Westlake Schoolhouse for Girls in the late sixties, Ride was somewhen ranked 18th among junior girl players in the United States and even received encouragement to remain in the sport and go pro from the legend Billie Jean King.

When Ride left Southern California for Swarthmore College in Pennsylvania, she didn't stop playing. In fact, she won the Eastern Collegiate Tennis Championships two years in a row, prompting her to return to the Gilded State to pursue a career in professional tennis.

It wasn't meant to be, though. In a 2006 interview quoted on Lawn, Ride said she quit the sport because her forehand was weak. Her mother thought it was considering Ride, a perfectionist, wasn't always able to command her game. Either fashion, she decided to get back to schoolhouse to written report English and physics. Game. Set up. Lucifer.

Sally Ride was part of the very first female class of NASA astronauts

Anyone who'southward read Tom Wolfe'due south The Right Stuff or watched Apollo thirteen or Hidden Figures or First Human — in the latter case, information technology'due south correct there in the title — knows that NASA began as the very definition of a boys' club. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration became a thing in 1958. Xx years had to pass before the outset women were officially admitted to the program. Sally Ride was part of that inaugural class.

The women — Judith Resnik, Anna Lee Fisher, Kathryn D. Sullivan, Margaret Rhea Seddon, and, of course, Ms. Ride — were office of NASA's Astronaut Class 8 that also included iii African-American men and the program'south outset Asian American. As makes clear, women had previously been part of the astronaut training plan — they were dubbed the Mercury thirteen or the FLATs, which stood for "Fellow Lady Astronaut Trainees" — but none of those women fabricated it into space.

Ride's class had more luck. Resnik became the kickoff Jewish-American in space in August 1984. Sullivan became the showtime American adult female to walk in space in Oct of that same year. And Fisher became the outset female parent in space a month afterward. 2 words: gold stars.

Sally Ride was a classic overachiever

How's that cliche get about non having to exist a rocket scientist to understand something? Well, Emerge Ride was a rocket scientist. And an accomplished and decorated tennis player. And a classic overachiever who earned not i, not two, non three, but four degrees from Stanford University.

According to an article on the Stanford alumni page, Ride earned 2 bachelor's degrees — one in English language and one in physics — likewise equally as a masters and PhD in physics before being accepted into the space program. That acceptance was no modest feat. Ride beat out out thousands of other applicants for her place in the NASA class of 1978.

Following her difference from NASA nine years afterwards, she went back to Stanford to teach and was such a celebrity the university had to keep her name off her office door for fear she might be stalked by the public. Information technology's bittersweet, then, that, following her death of pancreatic cancer at historic period 61, Stanford renamed a residence hall in her honour.

Sally Ride lived quietly every bit a gay adult female after her fourth dimension at NASA

Sally Ride, famous and dear as she was, was largely successful at keeping the details of her personal life hidden from the public centre. In 1982, she married fellow astronaut Steve Hawley. The marriage lasted for 5 years, after which Ride entered into a relationship with Tam O'Shaughnessy (above), a professional person lawn tennis player and children's science writer. Ride and O'Shaughnessy remained together until Ride's decease in 2012. The fact that Ride was in a partnership with a woman for most of her life shocked some friends and fans. Many learned of Ride's homosexuality for the first time when they read her obituary.

Ride'due south sister, Bear, also lesbian, told BuzzFeed News that Ride wasn't in the closet, per se. She was merely very private. She even kept the fact that she was suffering from pancreatic cancer from her family unit and friends for over a year. Bear Ride has suggested that much of her sis's reticence well-nigh her sexuality can be chalked up to their Norwegian heritage, and to the fact that Sally resisted labels. The label that seems most appropriate here is role model. And trail blazer.

Sally Ride left NASA following the Challenger disaster

On January 28, 1986, the Space Shuttle Challenger lifted off from Cape Canaveral, Florida on an uncharacteristically cold morning. The launch had been delayed for half-dozen days for various reasons, including bad weather condition at the Transoceanic Arrest Landing site in Senegal and problems with the exterior access hatch.

Co-ordinate to, a long line of successful missions had made NASA conceited, and, fifty-fifty though at least one engineer, Allan McDonald, raised concerns that the Challenger should not be given the go-ahead — McDonald was worried that the shuttle'southward o-rings, rocket booster seals, would be adversely impacted past cold weather — the launch went on as planned. Seventy-three seconds after lift-off, the Challenger exploded in front of a shocked and disturbed public.

Emerge Ride was the only active astronaut on the committee, the so-chosen Rogers Commission, that investigated the causes of the disaster. (A failed o-ring was, indeed, the culprit.) Her biographer, Lynn Sherr, told the Los Angeles Times that Ride'south decision to leave NASA in 1987 was nigh certainly straight linked to the Challenger tragedy and the dispiriting findings of the Rogers Commission. A member of Ride's NASA class, Judith Resnik, perished in the explosion, and Ride, one of the committee's most outspoken members, was, every bit the Washington Post points out, non shy about asking the hard questions. Incidentally, in 2003, after the Columbia exploded, Ride was on the investigative committee into that disaster equally well.

As a female astronaut, Sally Ride suffered a lot of sexism

Equally the starting time American woman in space, Sally Ride faced frequently ridiculous displays of sexism. She too faced a barrage of questions from reporters, most of whom were men obviously puzzled by the sight of a female in a flight suit. Co-ordinate to People magazine, some of the questions Ride had to reply in NASA press conferences included, "Will the flight bear upon your reproductive organs?" and " Do y'all weep when things become wrong on the chore?" and "Volition you lot go a female parent?"

Ride met such insulting questions with characteristic grace and poise. She said there was no prove infinite flight rearranged a woman's reproductive organs. She wondered why reporters weren't request her male counterparts whether or not they wept at work. And she smiled and refused to reply the third question nearly her plans for motherhood.

In an interview with Gloria Steinem published on the Verge, Ride said it would have been easier if some other woman had joined her on her first space flight in 1983, and that the but negative experiences she had leading upwards to the launch and later were with the press. In a piece, though, she recalled biases at NASA, too. Not only did they ask her for aid in designing a makeup kit that would work in infinite; they suggested a woman take 100 tampons with her for a one-week mission, just in instance she started her period while on the shuttle.

Emerge Ride worked hard to support girls in science

As a teenager, Sally Ride went to a daughter's high schoolhouse in Los Angeles that did very little to nurture in its students an interest in scientific discipline or math. Instead, the school focused on English and sports, and Ride, who told Gloria Steinem in a 1983 interview that she suffered from the lack of Stem courses, made it her mission as a former astronaut to make sure that other young girls didn't struggle every bit she did to find their identify in the earth of science.

With that goal in mind and in collaboration with her life partner, Tam O'Shaughnessy, and UC San Diego, Ride founded Sally Ride Science, an outreach system, in 2001. Emerge Ride Science has, amidst other things, trained more than 30,000 students and supplied six million students with STEM books and guidance virtually Stem careers. The arrangement has besides changed the national chat almost girls and science. As points out, Ride, forth with O'Shaughnessy, penned five science books for children — To Space and Dorsum, Voyager, The Tertiary Planet, Exploring Our Solar System, and The Mystery of Mars.

According to NASA, some other one of Ride's accomplishments was the EarthKAM project, which allows eye school students to take pictures of World from the International Space Station. During her too-short life, Ride oftentimes told young people to "reach for the stars." She enabled countless kids to do merely that.

Sally Ride did non relish her fame

Sally Ride made history as the first American woman in infinite. She was also the youngest American in space and most likely the get-go gay American in space. Every bit such, Ride's fame was a foregone conclusion. It was not something she sought, however. Ride was a very private woman and her interactions with the press prior to and after her two space missions were difficult for her. According to her Washington Post obituary, she could non have been more dissimilar from many of her fellow male astronauts in that way. Unlike John Glenn, Chuck Yeager, and Gus Grissom, she shied away from the spotlight, fifty-fifty going so far ask to request that NASA refuse calls for endorsing any Sally Ride-themed merchandise.

She didn't see herself as a part model or a source of inspiration and she voiced dismay that American society was still so astern that her work as an astronaut was seen as an out-of-the-norm achievement.

In 1987, after Ride'southward piece of work on the Roger'due south Commission — the committee charged with investigating the causes of the Challenger explosion — she left NASA to pursue a career as a physics professor, get-go at Stanford and later at University of California, San Diego. The San Diego Tribune described Ride as a "trail-blazing just downward-to-world" astronaut, quoting her life partner, Tam O'Shaughnessy as saying, "Sally is someone who did things considering she wanted to practice them, not for any awards or statues."

The Emerge Ride soundtrack

Leading up to Sally Ride'southward first mission in space in June 1983, radio stations around America played Wilson Pickett's recording of "Mustang Sally" on repeat. The vocal, written in 1965 by R&B creative person Mack Rice, was a natural pick for DJs that summertime because it includes the lyrics "ride, Sally, ride," and excited spectators serenaded Ride with it while she climbed into the shuttle with her four crewmates.

Sally Ride's connection to American popular culture doesn't end there. Lou Reed of Velvet Underground wrote a vocal called "Ride Sally Ride," reportedly before he'd heard of the soon-to-be famous astronaut. A New Yorker writer considered Reed's vocal, which Reed wrote in 1974 and included on his album, Sally Tin't Ride, an eerily accurate prediction of Ride's ascent in NASA. Equally proof, the writer cited these lyrics: "Ooh, isn't it nice when your centre is fabricated of ice?," arguing that the line tin can easily be read every bit a prophetic reference to Ride's trademark cool.

Of course, both "Mustang Sally" and "Ride Sally Ride" were written before Sally Ride even joined the space programme. And the coincidence is easy to explicate away, given the fact that "Sally" is a standard American girl name and "Ride" is a verb. Still, it's a testament to Ride's popularity and the far-reaching touch on of her piece of work that music fans' minds automatically turn to her when they hear those now famous three trivial words.

Sally Ride made a shuttle ride more comfortable for her sisters

When Sally Ride was accepted into the NASA space plan in 1978, the shuttles were designed for men. For the first 25 years of American space flight, that sufficed. Then Ride came along and inverse everything. Well, she changed some pretty fundamental things. Prior to leaving NASA in 1987, Ride made sure, according to the Washington Post, to leave her marker on space shuttle design and to do so in a style that would benefit the female astronauts that came after her. And no, these changes did not involve makeup kits or tampons. They involved comfort. She saw to it that engineers made the shuttle seats adjustable to more easily adjust a woman. And she asked that they add a mantle to the restroom expanse and redesign the vacuum toilet.

Adaptable seats, privacy defunction, and a more than comfortable toilet might seem like pocket-size potatoes when one is pondering a) the vastness of space and b) the immense challenges that come up with confronting inequality in the workplace, merely hey, one minor footstep often leads to a giant jump. And Ride took both.

Sally Ride'southward last boxing was with pancreatic cancer

In her lx-one years, Sally Ride fought many battles. Her first fights were on the tennis court, where, by and large, she emerged victorious. Subsequently, she fought for equal continuing in America'southward space program. She won that battle, too, making history equally the first American adult female in space. Still later, she worked hard to see to it that immature people interested in science — girls, peculiarly — had the tools and books and guidance they needed to aid them in their studies.

Her concluding battle was i she could not win. In 2010, she was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Seventeen months afterwards, she died, having merely recently told her family and friends most her illness. According to CNN, President Barack Obama marked Ride's passing past proverb that her life was proof that in that location are no limits to what humans tin can achieve.

Four years prior to her expiry, in an interview with the cable Television network, Ride talked almost how awe-inspiring it was to view Earth from the window of the space shuttle. "It's just remarkable how beautiful our planet is and how fragile it looks," she said. How fragile, as well, are the humans that inhabit it. Even tough-equally-nails trailblazers and drinking glass ceiling shatterers. Ride, Sally, ride. To the stars and into the sunset.


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