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Jessica Yes, book ix is to be released in July this year. [of course it is all up to the writer] book 10 is in Dec this yr.

I believe she will be doing 20 bo…more

Yes, book ix is to exist released in July this year. [of course information technology is all upward to the author] volume 10 is in Dec this yr.

I believe she will exist doing 20 books in this world or then. (less)

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Jessica's Totally Over The Top Book Obsession
iv Big bad wolf Stars

I am starting to believe it'south simply the vampires in this serial that I don't connect too. This book was about two shifters. Grant and Ellie and I enjoyed this volume more than the last ane. I also really loved Grant and Ellie as a couple, so yea Imma thinking it's just the vampires. Because lets be honest most of the vamps in this series are asshats. I am yet enjoying the ongoing plot. I was really sad about the piddling daughter dying and to exist honest again I really wish that A

4 Big bad wolf Stars

I am starting to believe it'south just the vampires in this series that I don't connect as well. This book was well-nigh ii shifters. Grant and Ellie and I enjoyed this book more than the last one. I too actually loved Grant and Ellie as a couple, and so yea Imma thinking it's simply the vampires. Because lets be honest almost of the vamps in this serial are asshats. I am still enjoying the ongoing plot. I was really sad about the little girl dying and to be honest once again I actually wish that Aiden, Meryn and the that whole gang would just kick the shit out of the vampire royal families and call it a solar day. I am sick of the vampires existence close minded, racists, backstabbing pos and I want Meryn'due south gang to clean house. Fuck the founding families, I am so sick of their shit and I need for them to get what's coming to them and actually before long. But sayin'!

Monty Cupcake ☠ Queen of Bloodshed ☠
Much meliorate than the previous book, perhaps even 3.5 stars good.

Ellie, an elephant shifter and pediatrician is called to Noctem Falls to help with the sudden epidemic of sick shifter kids. It'southward new territory for everyone equally who knew shifters got sick. She arrives with her grandmother and discovers her mate, Grant, a wolf shifter. Inconvenient timing as she has ill kids to cure and I liked that the mate thing was sidelined in favor of her doing her job and helping the kids. I'd have hated if they

Much meliorate than the previous volume, maybe even 3.five stars good.

Ellie, an elephant shifter and pediatrician is chosen to Noctem Falls to help with the sudden epidemic of sick shifter kids. It'due south new territory for everyone as who knew shifters got sick. She arrives with her grandmother and discovers her mate, Grant, a wolf shifter. Inconvenient timing as she has sick kids to cure and I liked that the mate matter was sidelined in favor of her doing her task and helping the kids. I'd have hated if they went all "must claim you at present" nonsense.

All the previous characters appear once more, just thankfully in a reasonable way and Meryn doesn't take over the volume like she did in the previous installment. I enjoyed seeing Kendrick once again and the deluded male antics Aidan's unit of measurement got up to.

The characters and plot were much meliorate in this and I like that it'south not simply ended, this will have up the next book as well. I recollect this is a better done villain or evil equally they take very little to keep equally to suspects and how it was done.

Next book is looking like it'll be Etain'south. Where's Keelan's book?

...more than
May 18, 2017 rated it it was astonishing
I loved information technology! One of my favorites of the series! I adore Grant- he is such a sweetheart! He knits! Elly is bully likewise- she is sweetness and smart! Their mating is very sugariness and I really loved that Grant didn't seem at all similar he has been sleeping around similar a slut for centuries. It is very off putting to me to read about the H existence a manwhore when he knows he has a mate out there. It ruins the dear story for me. That is the reason I didn't enjoy Darian and Amelia's book and skipped Declan'southward book al I loved it! One of my favorites of the serial! I adore Grant- he is such a sweetheart! He knits! Elly is great besides- she is sweet and smart! Their mating is very sweet and I really loved that Grant didn't seem at all like he has been sleeping around like a slut for centuries. It is very off putting to me to read nearly the H beingness a manwhore when he knows he has a mate out at that place. Information technology ruins the dear story for me. That is the reason I didn't enjoy Darian and Amelia's volume and skipped Declan'southward book altogether. I hope the next book is as good as this one! ...more
Gi's Spot Reviews
4.five Stars

Argh, tin't believe GR decided to glitch my review and I have to rewrite it... Oh well, this book is worth it, so...

I already loved this series, only this story actually had the nigh PERFECT H of the series so far, that completely stole my heart and was the reason for most of the rating. And then gruff and tormented, silence and broody, just revealed to be a HUGE softie in the within. True eye of gilt, wounded soul with a hidden and incredibly sweet core, only still every bit of ALPHA! I adored

4.5 Stars

Argh, tin can't believe GR decided to glitch my review and I have to rewrite information technology... Oh well, this book is worth it, and so...

I already loved this series, but this story really had the most PERFECT H of the series so far, that completely stole my centre and was the reason for most of the rating. And then gruff and tormented, silence and broody, but revealed to exist a HUGE softie in the within. True heart of golden, wounded soul with a hidden and incredibly sweet core, but still every scrap of Alpha! I adored him!
Of course we had the usual humorous, steamy, loving, and suspense moments Alanea hooked us on, I but wish that the subplot was a bit more resolved in this i. And then beware, because although the books portray unlike couples, there's always a back story that connects them all. I just thought this ane had a bigger cliffy on that are than the rest, hence the half star decrease. Don't go me wrong tho, the WHOLE series is more than than worth information technology, so simply read the all 8 books so far. I promise y'all won't regret it! <3

...more than
I am not feeling this one:(.......dnf at 100 pages.
Sweet and Salty Reviews by DD
Yeah! This novel gets the serial dorsum on rail for this reader!

Grant is the ultimate alpha. Loved his backstory total of trials and over coming those trials. This MC is dominate, intelligent, and has a huge heart. This storyline was perfect for the MC.

Ellie was quite a different FMC for me. I have an issue with odd shifters....she is an elephant shifter and for some reason my little listen just does not except some shifters like elephants, rabbits, ferrets, bats, etc.... *shrugs* At present a positive abou

Yep! This novel gets the series back on rails for this reader!

Grant is the ultimate alpha. Loved his backstory full of trials and over coming those trials. This MC is boss, intelligent, and has a huge heart. This storyline was perfect for the MC.

Ellie was quite a unlike FMC for me. I have an issue with odd shifters....she is an elephant shifter and for some reason my little mind just does not except some shifters like elephants, rabbits, ferrets, bats, etc.... *shrugs* Now a positive almost Ellie is she exhibited some problems so many struggle with which is being trunk positive. This aspect of Ellie dealing with and overcoming I did savour reading.

Storyline picked back upwards for me! The last two reads were not what I accept come to expect from Alder, but this ane got right back upwards to speed.

Looking forward to book nine!

Happy Reading! DD

Feb 08, 2017 rated it it was amazing
This review has been hidden because it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I need it now. Oh my gods! This book was slap-up and famously written again. I had a feeling if was going to be the director at the infirmary equally the bad guy and it turned out it was. Meryn is nevertheless my favorite within the story and I love the function when Aiden has his men and they were watching something fucking funny equally hell. Information technology was touching at the stop of the book. I can't wait for the next book to come across Etain mate and who she is. Maybe she a human being too many paranormal mates within Noctem Falls. I need it now. Oh my gods! This book was peachy and famously written again. I had a feeling if was going to exist the managing director at the hospital as the bad guy and information technology turned out information technology was. Meryn is withal my favorite within the story and I love the part when Aiden has his men and they were watching something fucking funny as hell. It was touching at the stop of the book. I can't wait for the next book to see Etain mate and who she is. Maybe she a human too many paranormal mates within Noctem Falls. ...more
May 21, 2017 rated information technology liked it
I was very disappointed with the plot not being resolved. The whole book seemed like the starting time half of a whole volume in this world.
April 27, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Simply when things start looking up for Noctem Falls with the vampires, shifters, and fae agreeing to a truce of sorts, a mysterious vague affliction starts affecting the children of the shifter population. Impossible, every bit with the exception of broken bones, shootings, and bract related injuries, paranormals never become sick. Treatment is limited every bit the healers don't take the knowledge or skills to deal with this new crisis which is why Prince Magnus needs to recruit someone able to figure out what'due south re Just when things offset looking up for Noctem Falls with the vampires, shifters, and fae like-minded to a truce of sorts, a mysterious vague disease starts affecting the children of the shifter population. Impossible, equally with the exception of broken bones, shootings, and blade related injuries, paranormals never get sick. Treatment is limited as the healers don't accept the noesis or skills to bargain with this new crisis which is why Prince Magnus needs to recruit someone able to effigy out what's really going on.

Dr Eleanor Kimball, pediatrician, is done with being stereotyped. As an elephant shifter she may have a few extra curves but that doesn't mean her medical or research skills are lacking in any way. As a renowned clinical practitioner her latest enquiry has life changing potential for children once completed. The problem is her employers desire to turn her enquiry over to someone who improve identifies with their corporate paradigm. The offer to relocate and do at Noctem Falls is only what the physician ordered.

Grant Douglas knows he'southward a monster. Why else would his family kick him out. Making a new life in Noctem Falls he's content until he starts to dream near his future mate though it always ends the same. When that same mate arrives, the clock starts ticking for him to solve the meaning backside his nightmares before it becomes a reality.

* * * * *

Everyone has their favorite writer. This author happens to exist ane of my top 3. I don't say that lightly because there are a lot of talented authors who bring me endless hours, days, weeks, years of happiness still I'm at my happiest when I get to catch i of Ms. Alder'south.

As I've said in other reviews for this serial, each installment builds off previous works so not a skillful thought to think you tin can read this as an independent stand lone. The recurring cast of characters brand information technology all but incommunicable to appreciate the overall story line otherwise. Also, the author throws in periodic Easter eggs that simply fans of the series will pick upward to appreciate.

This is a contemporary paranormal urban fantasy romance that I feel is the best of serial to date. How the author was able to pack SO much into 193 pages (per my kindle tracking) without overloading the story with confusion, disjointed scenes, or incomplete details was awesome. Open up jaw moment when I realized I had missed a fundamental plot factoid until information technology was in my face revealed in a climatic end scene. That doesn't happen very often so pardon me while I frown for a while over that.

Grant & Ellie have baggage problems to work through though with the insta-honey premise it's much easier to work through to go to the adept stuff. It does help that a various secondary cast of characters "aid" though with Meryn in the mix problem follows. The consequence is a roller coaster of emotions as I would turn from express joy to weep to unease to Sherlock Holmes sleuth back to laugh, cry, unease, repeat, echo. I've also been enriched with quality Meryn idioms and insider cultural hacks that will impress friends and family. Non spoiler example: Leroy Jenkins.

In that location is no way I can leave out a vague mention of my ultimate favorite scene of the book. In early serial installments, hands down favorite highlight of a story happened when Aiden'southward coiffure went shopping. Those who have followed the serial know what I'thousand talking nigh. There was something magical and downwards right hilarious when the guys went shopping. With the change of locals, that opportunity is off the table but the writer did provide an every bit entertaining scene that I'd liken to getting stuffed on Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings. Forever more I'll be laughing when memories of that scene are triggered.

The but existent problem I have is that the series isn't moving forth fast plenty. The secondary cast of characters is pretty long which leaves a lot of opportunity for private installments BUT it as well is aggravating considering in that location are so many I desire, need to have their own HEA. In that location are obvious characters such as Etain, Avery, Merrick, Emeric, Magnus, Ryuu, Keelan, Micha, Sasha, Sebastian, etc but at present I'thou adding Grayson, Marjoram and Nathaniel. ps. I think Sebastian & Marjoram would be a cute couple, hint hint wink flash. Bottom line hither is at that place are so many characters in the wings that I am actually getting frustrated. If just Meryn 2.0 would make an appearance already.

Personally, if someone was to recommend I check out this series I'd autumn down in homage considering the series is that good. Personally I tin't recall of a more charismatic cardinal series character than Meryn who draws me in with her ongoing path of devastation wherever she goes nonetheless leaving loyal friends and family who would practise annihilation for her. If this is the sort of writing style and genre that interests you, I'm saying: check it out.

April 26, 2017 rated it liked it
I actually like this one, but a couple bug with it had me dropping it back to just "liked".

First, the proficient stuff. The funny is solidly back. Alder e'er puts her characters in awkward situations and the comedy just flows from there. Grant was sexy and crawly. Meryn was dorsum to course and delightful, though she does notwithstanding skew a bit too young.

The problems I had were with plot, pacing and the heroine. I actually liked Ellie and thought she was sugariness. I'1000 sure the proper name and fauna option were deli

I really like this i, but a couple problems with it had me dropping it back to just "liked".

Showtime, the skilful stuff. The funny is solidly back. Alder always puts her characters in awkward situations and the comedy only flows from there. Grant was sexy and crawly. Meryn was back to form and delightful, though she does nevertheless skew a scrap too immature.

The problems I had were with plot, pacing and the heroine. I actually liked Ellie and thought she was sweet. I'one thousand sure the name and animal option were deliberate, but as a curvy gal myself I didn't appreciate it. The betoken could have hands been made with but the tunnel escort. Seriously, Ellie the curvy girl is an elephant?

The plot arc is never resolved, and that'due south getting to exist a habit for this series. Alder piles on more and more than mysteries surrounding the over reaching arc, without resolving or seemingly getting any closer to a solution. More questions are brought upwards than answered. For example: (view spoiler)[What did Meryn encounter with Kendrick (or was it Stefan, I can't remember which)? Why a virus targeting shifters? What does the large bad desire with a guy stealing research? (hide spoiler)]. And then basically all the principal plot points in the volume, aside from the central romance. And lastly, the inclusion of the bad guy at the finish seemed shoehorned to make Ellie take a chance to kicking a piddling donkey, but fiddling else.

But, equally I've said before, brand me express joy and I'll forgive a lot of things. And with this installment, Alder is back to her mastery of humor. Fifty-fifty if it notwithstanding surrounds a plot hole. (You've been living side-by-side with humans for centuries and you know side by side to nothing nigh them? You accept a mother and sisters and are surrounded by women but know zero about the female body except how to make it sing?) I really don't care that it doesn't brand sense, because it's damn funny.

Hailey Hansford
By far the all-time serial I have ever read and this book is the best. Laughter, tears, tantrums and an broken-hearted wait for the next one... I received this volume at 12.14am and finished at 4am (I'g a fast reader) so went back and reread twice before sleep. I don't want to give anything abroad only I will say for those familiar with Kendrick and Meryn thier antics just get better and better. With some new visitors to noctem falls and a totally heart wrenchingly beautiful story with two new awesome mates w By far the best serial I take ever read and this book is the best. Laughter, tears, tantrums and an anxious expect for the next one... I received this book at 12.14am and finished at 4am (I'm a fast reader) then went back and reread twice before slumber. I don't desire to give anything away simply I volition say for those familiar with Kendrick and Meryn thier antics just get better and meliorate. With some new visitors to noctem falls and a totally center wrenchingly beautiful story with ii new crawly mates who find 1 another amid chaos. This is non 1 to be missed. If yous haven't read the series it's a must. I take not had a single person I have recommended it to regret the loss of slumber or the time apent reading. Alarm you lot will want to rampage them all in one sitting. ...more
May 21, 2017 rated it really liked it
Elephant shifter Eleanor Kimball has had plenty of her job, she is completely disrespected even when she is on he cutting edge of science. Equally if a much needed phenomenon happens, Ellie is asked to get to Noctem Falls where children are falling ill all of the sudden. Ellie had given up finding her mate but it is on showtime day at that place that she meets Grant Douglas.

Grant has a past that he keeps closely guarded, he is a quiet man and when he finds out Ellie is his mate he is non sure what to practice. Grant want

Elephant shifter Eleanor Kimball has had enough of her job, she is completely disrespected even when she is on he cutting border of science. Every bit if a much needed miracle happens, Ellie is asked to become to Noctem Falls where children are falling sick all of the sudden. Ellie had given upwardly finding her mate but information technology is on first day there that she meets Grant Douglas.

Grant has a past that he keeps closely guarded, he is a quiet man and when he finds out Ellie is his mate he is not sure what to do. Grant wants Ellie but he is used to being alone, can Ellie accept him for who he is?

Some other great read in the Bugged and Bewildered series. Ellie is sweet so protective of Grant from the beginning. I liked Grant'due south back story information technology was a bit of a surprise. Had all the favorites and 1 great part of the book about childbirth that had me laughing out loud. Can't await for the next book.

Jun 30, 2017 rated information technology really liked information technology
three.5 stars

I had some bug with this volume; non much stuff got resolved from the previous books, didn't like that the h was then self-conscious about her weight, the H was at times almost as well sweet for my taste, so many characters man-mind boggling LOL, I wish the humor was the same equally information technology was in books from 1-5. Loved the children. I enjoyed it.

3.five stars

I had some issues with this book; not much stuff got resolved from the previous books, didn't like that the h was then cocky-conscious about her weight, the H was at times almost too sweet for my taste, then many characters man-mind extraordinary LOL, I wish the humor was the same every bit it was in books from 1-five. Loved the children. I enjoyed it.

April 27, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Alanea Alder hit it out of the ballpark again! I so dear this series and this i did non disappoint. This is the story of Ellie and Grant, a mysterious affliction, a dash of espionage and a whole lot of Meryn- isms. I even learned a few New geek phrases. I hope this series never ends, or at to the lowest degree lasts a long time.
Apurva C
Jan 25, 2022 rated it it was astonishing
Oh! Genious. It had me laughing out Loud at Meryns shenanigans 😂

She helped deal with the saddest parts of the books. I promise to see more of benji and penny in the futurity. These kids are delightfully adorable.

April 25, 2017 rated it information technology was amazing
Some other fantastic book!

This series just keeps getting improve! Grant and Ellie are so cute together. Although their are darker parts in this story that broke my heart it had the express joy out loud parts likewise. I love how Alanea Alder gives me everything that a book should accept. I have recommended this series multiple times and will continue to exercise and so.

May 17, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I love this book.

Grant is wolf Shifter that's heart-searching left and correct but yet he calms the children.

Ellie is medico who loves her job and taking care of the children are her beginning priority.

I beloved this volume.

Grant is wolf Shifter that'due south heart-searching left and right simply withal he calms the children.

Ellie is md who loves her chore and taking care of the children are her get-go priority.

Apr 26, 2017 rated it liked it
This review has been hidden considering information technology contains spoilers. To view it, click here. I'k sorry I tin can't gush and fawn over this--- the fact that it took me 2 days to just get it done, is not a practiced sign. Mostly these are ane sitting Gobble fests. Don't get me wrong: previous B&B books have set up me upwardly to a higher expectation. Aye, at that place was a helluva emotional kick in the center, just the overall plot was not actually pushed forward. I get that role of the deal of a series is to get the reader to invest onto the next one, to keep that emotional, "ohmigod what happens next?," vibe but I'm sorry I can't gush and fawn over this--- the fact that it took me 2 days to just get information technology washed, is not a practiced sign. Mostly these are one sitting Gobble fests. Don't get me wrong: previous B&B books have set me upward to a college expectation. Yes, there was a helluva emotional kick in the middle, but the overall plot was not really pushed forward. I get that office of the deal of a serial is to get the reader to invest onto the side by side one, to keep that emotional, "ohmigod what happens adjacent?," vibe merely it wasn't quite there for me. Yes, there was the humour, and yeah, in lieu of going to the grocery store, there was the "video scene", all well and good but dammit, there'due south something not quite right when at diverse points in the book where the writer hints, suggests, infers, slyly winks at a obvious CLUES, that the reader either says, "ok, I'm in for more" or "to heck with this, let me know when the stop of the series books come up out then I can wrap this upward". I'yard waiting until she wraps information technology up. ( heavy sarcasm here) In that location are bad things afoot, something is evil and yes, it'south all connected oooooooooh. Oh! Yeah..... the worlds most boring couple are the focus: he is big bad but a teddy bear and doesn't want the power, she'southward self conscious but finds a concluding minute reserve to handle the bad guy. Whatever. Solve the damn problem that was the master part of the book and we can talk. Have the hero with an bodily resolution. Sigh, disappointing because how much more than engaging all the other books have been. ...more than
Judy Lewis
May 27, 2018 rated it it was amazing
Championship: My Defender
Serial: Bewitched & Bewildered
Author: Alanea Alder
Designation: Book 8 of Serial, Total-Length, **Tin can Be Read As Standalone, No Cliffhanger #paranormalromance #fantasy #shifters #vampires #fae #witches #sprites #adultcontent
My Rating: Five Delightfully Entertaining Stars*****
**Each book of the Bugged and Bewildered series features a different couple finding dearest along with their very ain happy en
Title: My Defender
Series: Bugged & Bewildered
Author: Alanea Alder
Designation: Book Eight of Serial, Full-Length, **Can Be Read As Standalone, No Cliffhanger #paranormalromance #fantasy #shifters #vampires #fae #witches #sprites #adultcontent
My Rating: V Delightfully Entertaining Stars*****
**Each volume of the Bugged and Bewildered series features a dissimilar couple finding love forth with their very ain happy catastrophe and can technically be read as a standalone. However, there are recurring characters and an underlying interconnected disharmonize that play a major role in all the books, therefore to avert spoilers, I highly recommend reading the books sequentially.

OMG! I loved, loved, loved My Defender. Alder'southward books are like crack for united states of america paranormal romance junkies! I tin see it now: Room in a church basement, a circle of chairs, surrounded by a group of grim faces, and I stand and say, "Hello, my proper noun is Judy and I'm an Alanea Alder paranormal romance addict!" lol... All joking aside, Alder'south books really are addictive. They're like white potato fries; yous tin can't stop with just one! This is the 8th book of the series and each story gets better and meliorate! I tin inappreciably wait to dive into the ninth! lol... I love unique paranormal romance, addicted to danger, action, adventure & suspense, completely smitten with sexy, alpha heroes, adore sassy, courageous heroines, and there's null I relish more than a few mind-bending plot twists forth with a generous infusion of express joy-out-loud humor, but when I can get it all in one exceptionally well-crafted and beautifully written volume, I'g in absolute sky! And that'southward exactly what Alanea Alder delivered - AGAIN - in My Defender, the eighth total-length paranormal romance in her riveting and highly imaginative Bugged & Bewildered Serial. Did I like this book? No, I LOVED it! Was it perfect? No, just it was perfect for me. There were a few footling boo-boos missed in the editing process, simply nothing that distracted me from the story. Would I recommend it? You bet, and I am just but for adult readers since it does contain explicit language, some violence, and steamy, dreamy sex. Volition I read this author over again? Absolutely which is probably the all-time recommendation I can give! Equally a matter of fact, after completing the first book of this series, I raced back to Amazon and purchased the remaining nine books and signed up for her newsletter, which speaks volumes as to how much I enjoyed this writer'southward piece of work! And finally, was I entertained? Completely! I was glued to my chair, white-knuckling my ereader, my heart fluttering wildly in my chest every bit the pages flew every bit rapidly as the time!

The series takes a fleck of a turn in Volume half dozen when Unit of measurement Commander Aiden McKenzie and his firecracker mate Meryn leave Lycaonia to visit vampire pillar city Noctem Falls, Naturally, they are accompanied by Meryn'south squire Sei Ryuu and, of course, Felix the sprite along with former Noctem Falls resident Elizabeth Monroe and her mate Gavriel Ambrosios. And so in Book 8, they are joined by Colton, Rheia, Kendrick, and Anne. Aiden, Meryn, Ryuu, Felix, Beth, Gavriel, Colton, Rheia, Kendrick, and Anne are all recurring characters readers have gotten to know in the previous books of the series and e'er add so much to each story. We're too introduced to an unabridged new cast of intriguing characters in Book 6 but the master couple in this story is enigmatic unit warrior wolf-shifter Grant Douglas and kindhearted elephant-shifter Doctor Eleanor 'Ellie' Kimball, earth-renowned pediatrician and medical researcher. I cruel in love with the fierce, stoic, human-of-few-words, and always scowling Grant Douglas though he's as well a bit of a mystery. But one time once more, await until you lot find out who and what he his! Oh my! Shhh... No spoilers from me. And the sweet, shy, humble and extremely self disquisitional Ellie is the epitome of nifty intelligence, generosity, kindness, and heartwarming devotion to children and those she loves, like her lovely grandmother, retired nurse Marjarom Johanson, who accompanies Ellie to Noctem Falls, is an accented delight. At first glance, Grant and Ellie announced to exist total opposites but were and then perfect for each other! Ellie was merely the woman to come across the gentle, generous, kind soul below the layers of Grant'south stern nature and self-doubt! Both of their stories merely broke my centre and ane-year-old orphaned toddler Benji was soooo adorable! Sigh... Then dreamy! And naturally, Meryn 'the menace', her minions Jaxson and Noah, along with her two newly adopted twin 'baby Keelans' provide loads of laughter and shenanigans galore! And one time once more, this story ripped my heart out of my chest! I snickered, snorted, sniffled, snuffled, chuckled, and outright ugly cried through the entire story! This one will really tug on your heartstrings! But simply a footling alert, folks, don't beginning this book unless you have plenty of time; you will not desire to stop until you achieve the last page. I should know; I've spent the last week rampage-reading the entire series and falling comatose holding my Kindle every night! lol... Alanea Alder, you're killing me! If you enjoy perilous danger, intense drama, agonizing angst, pulse-pounding activity, boom-biting suspense, side-splitting humour, heartwarming romance, and a few mind-blowing plot twists that you lot'll never see coming, so this book is screaming your proper name. Boggling world building, exceptional character introduction/development, along with skilled plot progression make this series a fabulous, tin can't-put-down read! Thanks for the recommendation Fran Zoch!

Sydney M Neblett
Born to protect

Who doesn't honey a strong, silent, blastoff male? Grant is one of my favorites in the Eta unit of measurement. He is just a quiet force, silently there when you need him. He found the perfect mate in Ellie, who is a astounding physician and born to be a mother. The manner they find themselves, each other and their HEA is total of surprises and love. Just would we want it whatsoever other way? I can't wait to read the next book in the serial.

Apr 12, 2017 rated it really liked it
⚠️ Warning:
Tears will be spilt while reading this book. I recommend continuing, merely suggest y'all catch the tissue box. Give thanks y'all for you understanding.

Rating - four ane/2 ✰

1 Give-and-take Rec.: Buy

Alder, Alanea; MY DEFENDER [Bewitched & Bewildered, #8]

Ebook; genre: {paranormal romance} ; shelves: |rating: 4* - Great Volume, volition re-read more than than once or twice = when released in theater|
|author: Alanea Alder |
|paranormal, shifters: bear, canine, feline, other|
|paranormal, magic: witches |
|paranormal, vampires|

⚠️ Warning:
Tears volition be spilt while reading this book. I recommend standing, simply advise you grab the tissue box. Thank you lot for you understanding.

Rating - four 1/2 ✰

One Word Rec.: Buy

Alder, Alanea; MY DEFENDER [Bewitched & Bewildered, #8]

Ebook; genre: {paranormal romance} ; shelves: |rating: 4* - Great Volume, will re-read more than one time or twice = when released in theater|
|author: Alanea Alder |
|paranormal, shifters: bear, canine, feline, other|
|paranormal, magic: witches |
|paranormal, vampires|
|paranormal, fae |
|humorous read|
|fan/geek references|

Personally, I don't relish giving "SPOILERS" as a rule, so I believe the general synopsis to a higher place or on the volume flap if information technology'southward a hard copy should give you all the information you need. I exercise include the basics under synopsis though. If you'd like to know my overall thoughts & feelings most the book or author, delight check the "Personal Opinion" department. Also, if this is a volume in a series, under "Characters," y'all'll nearly likely find a fu-bo listing. While reading, authors tend to introduce us to numerous characters and I detect I wonder if they will become their own book, and then I decided to include this in my review. I volition try non to include "SPOILERS" if there are any. And now to my review:

General Synopsis:
This is the eighth volume in Alanea Alder'southward [Bugged and Bewildered] series, focusing on the romance betwixt Dr. Eleanor "Ellie" Kimball, an elephant shifter (and how absurd is THAT?! I think this is my start time reading a book with an elephant shifter. Woo-hoo!) and Grant Douglas, a wolf shifter, who has more than i hugger-mugger! So for that reason lonely, you take to read the volume. Muh-ha-haha. We encounter a few new people, including an ambrosial picayune rascal that will steal everyone's centre. And on that note, onetime friends from Lycaonia pay a visit, and so now in Noctem Falls, I have Law . . . and Kendrick . . . together. . . Fangirling has commenced. Returning to Earth might not be possible in the future!


Noctem Falls
Ryuu (I proceed hoping he finds a mate)
Etain Vi'Aerlin, My Angel (NRY)
Micah Sageson
Neil & Nigel Mourningly
Dimitri Romanov (Theta)
Godard Kipling (Kappa)
Leif Garfield
Travis Hickory
Stefan Bolivar
Cristo Bolivar (member of the Vanguard series)
Law Ashleigh
Rex Lionhearted
Emeric Foret
Gidan Campbell
Idris Li'Mierlen
Vivian Mercy, My Affections?
Grayson Fenrirson (I'yard thinking this might be an offshoot series.)Previous books
Aidan & Meryn, My Commander
Gavriel & Beth, My Protector
Colton & Rheia, My Healer
Darian & Amelia, My Savior
Kendrick & Anne, My Blood brother'south Keeper
Adriel & Eva Mae, My Guardian
Declan & Kari, My Champion
Warrick & Avery, My ChampionBack in Lycoania . . . and still waiting for a possible book in the hereafter
Lennox (yes, I know he'south merely "only an adult" in paranormal years, but …)
Jaxon (same as above)

Personal Opinion:
Where to start . . . oh yeah, right here: THIS IS ME. DO Non Approximate Delight

Just earlier I become into Law & Kendrick overload, I'd like to comment on a few things. . .

At the offset of my review on here, I posted a warning, and if you took the time to read the actual synopsis of the book provided past goodreads, you lot volition exist aware an illness has infected the children of Noctem Falls. I read Fated Healing Kindred of Arkadia 5 previously, then I thought "hey, I won't fall apart this time, because I know what can happen. I'thousand prepared." Sadly, I was wrong. Since reading this when information technology first came out, and now over again to refresh my memory and so I tin write this review, again I couldn't stop crying and this fourth dimension, I knew exactly what was going to happen. *sigh* I can only suggest y'all grab the tissues.

The sadness is brief, and so you won't be overwhelmed by it throughout the book. Plus, how could there be, when Meryn is there? "THIS! IS! SPARTA!". Every time she says that, I express joy. And and then I remember, maybe I should watch "300" again. *shakes head, while laughing* My favorite quote from Meryn in this book is, "Don't touch expressionless bodies! Cease kicking tunnel escorts in the balls! Cease being a lesbian on Facebook! Why tin't I have any fun?" she demanded. OMG, I cannot empathise how people cannot dear Meryn, she is so spunky and honestly blunt.

Before I get to Kendrick, tin can I only once again reiterate: this book has an elephant shifter. I have never read about an elephant shifter before. I take read a whole lot of shifter books, merely I swear, I believe this is my commencement. If, fellow readers, you take read other books re: elephant shifters please send me a annotate or message if you recommend them. And now . . .

Kendrick! *:゚*。⋆ฺ(*´◡`) So, back in my review of My Brother's Keeper, I mentioned Kendrick decided to repay the favor from when Aiden & co. took him to the Duck In. This, and only click on the spoiler link if you lot truly want to know, says information technology all: (view spoiler)[Aiden: "Kendrick helped me to procure a video that will show us the miracle of birth then we may better help our mates when their time comes. Every bit your Unit Commander and resident female skillful, I felt it was my duty to make certain we are prepared for our children." (hide spoiler)] ✧ꉂ(σ▰˃̶̀ꇴ˂̶́)σ✧ I couldn't terminate laughing. There were even tears. And then, they sat downwards to lunch. (view spoiler)[Kendrick prepares them tons of comfort food because he knew it was tramtic for them. There's turkey. OMG, I'm off again just remembering. (hibernate spoiler)]. *wipes abroad tears*

I accept a feeling things are going to become even more interesting in Noctem Falls. There are a number of new threads woven in through the story, which make me so excited every bit I await to encounter them explored.

I leave you at present with a quote, one I think sums up not only this volume, only something I feel every fourth dimension I selection up a book by Alanea Alder:

"They were chaotic and nuts and rowdy, but inside him his wolf settled down and laid his head on his paws. With 1 eye open, he watched over his family, and for the beginning time in his life, Grant felt like he had constitute his way home."

I absolutely loved this book. It'due south been worth the wait.
Grant has gone from a side character to a main feast. His sweet and loving mate Doc Ellie, makes the perfect mate to our repose scowling Grant.

Due to a mysterious illness, Ellie and her Grams comes to Noctem Falls to help. Bonus, she didn't count on coming together her mate the same day.
Grant has no idea why the kids from the Wolfpack is calling for him when they are in hurting. Only he goes to them. Never did he dream that fate would send him his mate.

I absolutely loved this volume. It's been worth the wait.
Grant has gone from a side graphic symbol to a main banquet. His sweet and loving mate Doc Ellie, makes the perfect mate to our quiet scowling Grant.

Due to a mysterious illness, Ellie and her Grams comes to Noctem Falls to help. Bonus, she didn't count on coming together her mate the same day.
Grant has no idea why the kids from the Wolfpack is calling for him when they are in pain. But he goes to them. Never did he dream that fate would transport him his mate. They also became parents of an ambrosial baby.... yip yous demand to read for that appetizer.

This book is filled with and so much emotion. Worry, honey, hurting, joy, tears, smiles and many revelations we were non prepared for. I was reading this book with an urgency because I needed to know what volition be happening. And and so a second time to make sure I didn't miss annihilation.

With Meryn effectually in that location is never a wearisome moment. I think with each volume I larn more to dear of this little adult female with an amazingly huge center. In this volume, she knows how Grant feels and she tin can help him and others relate.

Learning well-nigh Grant's circumstances made me aroused and made me and then proud of him, I just want to hug him. The quiet scowling wolf has a few surprises and it made me smile. The way he treats his mate... I wish someone could care for me the same way. They way he praises his mate.... humbles my centre.
When things became so hard, he was at that place for her and he could help her with his quiet strength... dear this human being.

I loved that Alanea brings in a few of our loved characters from our Alpha Estate.... well you got to read to find out who.
Only Ellie came with her own piddling drama.... may I say that I totally enjoyed the way she took care of her problem. Our team likewise learned more about the fact that the ferals are in the cities as well and in important positions.

Alanea, I volition never look at a turkey... with a silver spoon stuck in it and not express joy! And besides the word MASHED.... different meaning to me.

Awesome volume, but now I want the next volume badly, please?

...more than
2OCC Reviews
Apr 25, 2017 rated it it was amazing
I waited what seemed like forever for the next book in the Bewitched and Bewildered series. In reality it was only a few months but these are the types of books that you want to read for days at a fourth dimension. I was excited we would exist getting another shifter and was excited to see some of my favorites characters again!

Grant was amazing! I had no incertitude he would be. His past breaks your center merely to see how much of a fighter and survivor he is, really mayhap you respect him more.

Ellie was a tough women

I waited what seemed like forever for the adjacent volume in the Bewitched and Bewildered series. In reality information technology was only a few months simply these are the types of books that you want to read for days at a time. I was excited we would exist getting some other shifter and was excited to run into some of my favorites characters again!

Grant was amazing! I had no doubt he would be. His past breaks your heart but to see how much of a fighter and survivor he is, really maybe yous respect him more.

Ellie was a tough women who from the commencement showed her strength and determination. Her grandma was as well an amazing character that you could run across meant the earth to her and was her biggest supporter.

The plot hit dwelling to me. It revolves around the shifter children being sick and every bit a mother I could experience the helplessness that Ellie felt. She has such a huge center that she loved her job, it was and then much more than and so a job to hear. The emotions I felt while reading this were so raw and existent that I couldn't stop even when I had tears.

This volume is the toughest one of the series and the author knocked it out of the park. She kept united states laughing and broke our hearts while keeping usa moving forward and wondering what was going on.

I wish o could tell y'all my favorite parts but information technology would ruin those parts for other readers, just seeing this new couple, seeing our favorite couples from the other books made this book simply amazing! I didn't desire it to end but I know there is a lot more than to come!!!

Overall, the writer tin can write 100 more of these books and I will never get tired of them! They all deal with paranormal creatures and the subplot carries on through each book, just I still tin't get enough of each one I read. This one was absolutely no different. I was lamentable when information technology was over because now I know I volition have to expect for the next one. five stars #2OCCJD

Apr 25, 2017 rated it it was astonishing
I literally did a stakeout for this book waiting for information technology and then getting it then closeting myself in my room for the rest of the mean solar day and then finishing information technology XD

- And no surprise this book was some other adorable volume to the most amazing serial

- I've been interested in how Grant's book would look similar since we knew that he was side by side from the previous book, but I never expected this .. wow

- Ok I need to bespeak out a slight disappointment i had which I created by myself: so since the terminal book I thou

I literally did a stakeout for this book waiting for it and then getting it then closeting myself in my room for the remainder of the day and then finishing it XD

- And no surprise this book was another adorable volume to the most amazing serial

- I've been interested in how Grant's book would look like since we knew that he was next from the previous volume, but I never expected this .. wow

- Ok I need to point out a slight thwarting i had which I created by myself: then since the last book I thought in that location would be more side couples and I accept hoping that Magnus would notice his someone, at the same fourth dimension I looked at the authors Pinterest B&B inspiration board and saw the heroine's grandmother and I automatically coupled them upwards I thought he would exist mated to the grandma but no, so that was my only disappointment which was build on my own misconception.

- I loved how the hero worshipped the heroine and how adorable he was

- I LOVED that he was from hufflepuff information technology just cements that he's that ambrosial

- I loved how the kids loved him too and not simply considering he's Blastoff Built-in merely cause he'south gentle and sweet, and especially when he covered the twins on the video debacle

- I loved the advent of the previous book side couple they were so adorable even the heroine couldn't stand firm on her strictness because they were just so adorable

- Yep and the fact that he is an Alpha Born is kicking ass, and all of them discovered his history like when he joined the units he was just around 50 yrs which is in homo years is like around 10-12 yrs and the fact the he didn't fifty-fifty know how to talk then and all of that and more and how no ane even noticed

- I loved how the heroine fabricated a turn over to a badass elephant mama it was cool XD

Overall, *thumbs up*

Kodie Mackay
Apr 28, 2017 rated information technology it was astonishing
Dearest her<3

Honestly there isn't a book that I haven't loved by this writer!

As per usual this story is laced with that brilliant humour! Sugariness honey and trivial angsty moments that necktie the story together similar perfection. I love that every book has previous character intermingled throughout. I don't call up a book would be every bit keen without that because even though the stories are focused on the main character, having all the other characters in the stories makes is more personal. Hella more hilarious

Beloved her<3

Honestly in that location isn't a volume that I haven't loved past this author!

As per usual this story is laced with that brilliant sense of humor! Sweet love and little angsty moments that tie the story together like perfection. I love that every book has previous character intermingled throughout. I don't think a volume would be equally peachy without that because fifty-fifty though the stories are focused on the main graphic symbol, having all the other characters in the stories makes is more personal. Hella more hilarious and down correct entertaining. Information technology too gives it that familiar comfort with a fresher outlook.
I dearest both Ellie and grant and believed their connectedness 100%. The story is seamless and written to perfection. I tin't expect for whats side by side.

...more than
Gina Gallo
January 08, 2018 rated it it was astonishing
Ellie broke my center. As an Elephant shifter, she has all of the aforementioned insecurities that any curvy woman has...and I should know! Still, Grant was amazing. He isn't a smooth talker, merely he has that Alpha affair down! I luuurve him. This i has the children getting sick...and I ain't gonna lie, Clara had me crying my eyes out. However, I know that they tin can fix this...that bastard DeLaFontaine is up to something with his cuff links, I know it.
Summer Neblett
This review has been hidden considering it contains spoilers. To view it, click here. Grant seems surprisingly proficient with children. What a douchebag, trying to steal her research for petty reasons. Grant just keeps getting more than interesting. This is a really weird sickness. I think Grant and Ellie are going to be wonderful parents. Of grade Meryn has a cult. Good on Felix wanting you lot learn how to protect Meryn. Cthulhu! Oh my god, they're gonna lookout the miracle of nativity!
Rita Hansen
Apr 25, 2017 rated it it was amazing
Dear IT!

Alanea Alder has a truly facenating heed, i har read two diffrent series of her and i dearest the way she spins her story. Even so once again i tin non sleep until the book was finished 😀

Lee-anna Dunk
Mar 07, 2019 rated information technology it was amazing

Oh human these books are epic . Sheer gold . The emotional ride this serial gives you is like a drug you don't want to come downwards from . You laugh , y'all cry , yous become angry its awesome. This was Grant and Ellies story.


Oh human being these books are ballsy . Sheer gold . The emotional ride this serial gives you is similar a drug you don't want to come up down from . You express joy , you cry , you lot get angry its awesome. This was Grant and Ellies story.


Other books in the series

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